
I can't believe I'm doing this...

I'm not the diet kind of person, I'm really more into moderation in all things.  I know people on the vegan end of the food spectrum and people on the paleo end, and I can tell you right now that neither lifestyle is for me. I can't live with the lack of variety inherent in either of those eating extremes.

But the fact is that over Pesach I ate way too much junk, candy specifically, and ended up sort of appalled at myself.  I felt gross, and also felt like I couldn't help eating more and more of it once I got started.  I don't especially like feeling that way, so I'm doing something this week that I've never done before.

I'm going on a diet.

As of this morning, I'm doing what you might call a "Whole7" - no sugars or grains or legumes of any kind.  I'm limiting dairy to some organic whole milk in my coffee of a morning.  Which leaves me with meat, poultry, eggs, fish, vegetables, nuts, and fruit.  Nothing processed.  As soon as BSB gets home today we're going to hit the produce store and stock up like crazy.

I've been looking at paleo blogs and discussions lately and while I'm telling you right now that this is not in my long-term future, I also can see that it's a healthy way to eat, and that I need to get myself over the sugar habit.  They say that after a few days of cravings you stop missing it as much.

The fact that I'm hung up on trying to eat this way, even for a short time, is a big deal because if anything I tend towards the lacto-ovo vegetarian life, and usually only have meat/chicken for Shabbos. I love to Bake All the Things, but have managed to adjust to using mostly whole-grain flours and healthier sweeteners. I also dislike eggs and lurve cheese.  But I've got baby weight and a sweet tooth to lose, so something's gotta give.  Next week I'll see about adding some whole grains and legumes back into my life and see how it goes.

So stay tuned for posts along the lines of "My kingdom for a Cheez-it!" and "Will I ever not be fleishig?" along with some recipes and maybe some rants about food in general.  I'm good at ranting, even when I'm hungry.  Especially when I'm hungry.

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